Andégo InternshipsAbroad

You shouldn't have to choose between gaining professional experience & traveling the world

So don't.

Immerse yourself in France while teaching English! Learn more about our gap year program here & our language homestay program here.

Launched in 2015, Andégo programs aim to connect our partner schools & families in France and English-speaking countries with engaged, balanced, and motivated adventurers seeking an intercultural & immersive experience abroad.  Our belief and mission is that immersive intercultural experiences promote cross-cultural understanding, create ever-lasting friendships, and open innumerable opportunities.  These opportunities lead to growth in global understanding which we believe to be essential not only for individuals, but to create a more harmonious interdependent world.  We work closely with our French partner organizations, our partner schools, and local families to ensure the most rewarding & safest program possible.  

We can't wait to see where YOUR adventure leads!